arts are presented in the page reserved for the “letters”,
I mean the poems and the prose, generally for the writers which
use the art of correct words. Our community has a few people
appreciated in music and dance. These things are observed trough
abundance and the beautiful songs from the old. The dance is
represented on the whole earth by the Clocotici's Folclorical
Ansamble. We have chosen a few pictures to illustrate the rest
of the arts.
is very important for our culture. We have schools in every
4 villages. We have very aware teachers and students with good
results. You don't have a choice but to be happy that you are
from here.
the part of the science we wanted to bring our old people's
arts. We have today a few engineers, people which create beautiful
things in technical domain. Because it is connected with the
science; the health could be put in this page. For guarding
the health or repairing it you have to know a lot of science.And
then don't forget “mens sana in corpore sano”. Well, science
and health are good sisters.
is one of our spiritual coordinates. It is maybe the most
important spiritual activity. We don't forget that in every
Sunday and in every holyday to go into the faith zone.
and holidays are moments when the boys and the girls dress
them selves with the traditional costumes. It is a event when
u see them dressed up with art operas. With these costumes
we have amazed the people. Every time it is talking about the
national minorities from Romania, they are shown a boy or a
girl with the traditional costume.