m Education
in the
Gymnasia School from Lupac
In the present material we'll show you
the data of the school
from Lupac
which were provided by
Mr. Moteca Achim headmaster
of school
for many years. I mean for life
mmm Education
from the Croatian villages played an important role in keeping
the identity of the language of the people from these villages.
From the less of the documents witch could be found in the
school archive we have extracted a few data. In the beginning
activity at school was under the Austro-Hungarian administration
and the teaching was made in the Croatian language.
mmm From
the documents we could study it results that the school from
Lupac were founded in 1781 with 53 students\boys and from year
1784 the school was frequented by 80 boys. m 
mmm Learning
the maternal language in school or teaching it had a few
mmm In
the 1937-1947 the teaching was made by teachers from Croatia
. Teaching all the object in the maternal language was not
permanent in a few periods the teaching was made in Romanian
and Croatian was just optional. Teaching in the original
language was aggravated by the missing of the maternal
language books and of the personal.
mmm From
the statistic documents results that 75 students had the
first learning object Croatian. Now a day inside school Croatian
language is just an normal object for study for the I-VIII
grades. The number of hours is allocated for each class
to 4 hours on week. The good fact now is that there were
edited a few scholar programs and some of the manuals necessary
for teaching the maternal language.
mmm The
school from Lupac works with the next forms of education:
- Preschool
education-20 kids;
Primary education
from I-IV- 27 kids;
- I-III - 11 kids;
IV - 16 kids; work simultaneous;
education V-VIII -44 kids;
- V- grade
13 kids
- VI-grade 19 kids
- VII-
grade 10 kids
- VIII-grade 12 kids
mmm Frighten
is that in the last 15 years, the school population is in a
continuous comedown like we see lower:
- in
1977- 1978 in the primary edu were 74 kids in gym were 67...
in 1980-1981 were in primary 70 kids in gym were 70...
mmm The
principal cause of this phenomenon is the migration of the
work force after 1990.
mmm From
the young families the majority works out of the country, coming
back just on holydays. There are years when are just 1-2 births.
Starting with the years 1981-1982 till 1990-1991 at the school
from Lupac had functioned and classes IX and X; been educated
students from: Clocotici, Rafnic, Vodnic; Gârliște; Goruia.
mmm The
learning space was extended to 4 classrooms, 2 laboratories,
library and common room. From year 2007 the kindergarten building
is in an ample rehabilitation programme, interior, exterior,
water, sanitary rooms, interiors, central warming, new furniture
and computers. Hopefully these works must be dome by the year
mmm Making
an evaluation of the results of the students we could tell
that they are very good.
mmm Every
young student is an absolvent of all the education grades.
In the last 25 years over 30 people absolved high universities
from these we remember: Lauș Nicolae nr.131, Lauș Nicolae nr
absolvent of teologic education; Gârbea Octavian, Gârbea Cornel,
Șera Petria, absolvents of polytechnics; Lațchici Maria absolvent
of University from Zagreb, Toma Cristina Romanian language
teacher, Popescu Valeriu, Popescu Mircea Right University,
Șera Zorița governess, Laus Ana medical assistant.
mmm From
the absolvent of the VIII grades a 90 percent did go to the
superior forms of education. The percent at the promote of
the NATIONAL TESTS is 68% in the last 4 years. In the year
2004-2005 the student Lațchici Jasmina in grade VII obtained
1 st prize at the national phase of the MODERN LANGUAGE Olympiad
and in 2006 Duma Maria obtained 3 rd prize at the same contest.
mmm In
the present at all the classes there are students with amazing
results. The good result are because of the good teachers that
worked here or they still work. The school benefit of good
teachers because it is near Resita where are good aware teachers.
I want to remember a few names of retired teahers: prof. Todor
Mihai who started teaching in 1956, teacher Traian Semenescu
who was a period of time the director of the school, teacher
and headmaster Vasiescu Cotiso, teacher Gârbea Maria with more
than 35 years of activity in this school, prof. Gârbea Gavril
over 25 years, profesor Fiștea Maria -maths, Andreș Măgina
profesor Romanian Language, Pantin Dobrinca Russian Language
teaher, Cojocaru Gheorghița Romanian Language teacher over
30 years of activity and many others. Thanks and our respect
for all those who teached here
mmm The present
colectiv is formed from titular didactics teachers and has
the next componence: Moteca Achim
titular Historie-Geogrphy; gade I; works at Lupac from 1968
with over 39 years of activity. He lived in Lupac 24 years.
Suru Florica
- teacher,definitiv grade; 36 years activity from wich 29
years in Lupac
Ephardt Meda
- teacher, didactic grade I;13 year old activity wich 9 years
in Lupac
Lupu Forica
Romanian language teacher; 22 yearsof activity wich 20 years
in Lupac
Popovici Ana
Titular; grade I; Croatia language teacher, 34 year of activity
wich 20 years in Lupac
Orăvițan Florica
grade I; Maths teacher;31 years of activity wich 17 years
in Lupac
Boncalo Elena
grade I; Phisics teacher\chemestry; 25 years of activity
wich 15 years in Lupac
Todor Mihai
grade II; informatics; vicar teacher Croatian; 16 years activity
in school
Pîrvu Loredana
teacher; grade II; 10 years activity